Sunday, November 8, 2009

shocking fashion.

Controversial fashion shoot/campaign?

superette: drop dead gorgeous.

zomg. QUICK!

Someone call PETA, clearly this is their domain. Cos I'm sure they'd be willing to conceptualise the 'model' as 'animal' in a vain attempt to launch some publicity for themselves.

Superette launched a new campaign to coincide with their opening of a second store in New Zealand. The campaign is titled 'be caught dead in it'. As the article linked above suggests this has received global attention. So what is the crime here? Shit, they used a pun. It carried through to a concept.

To the critics of this shoot, what do you want to see? You want fashion to become static?
I'm sure these voices are the same voices who scream that models are getting to thin, skin is getting too pale, there are rats on the catwalks etc.etc. And sure, some of these points have more merit than others.
But uh, dude. Fashion is meant to change/evolve.

Superette is a small store in New Zealand (available online also). They're the small fish in a big pond. And yet, their willing to push boundaries. Willing to 'shock', and 'offend'. Which I'm not sure the above shoot even does. The pun leads the shoot in a pretty obvious direction. What did the critics expect to see?

Leave fashion alone. Let these concepts evolve. Let fashion change.
Because, seriously. No models were harmed in the making of the above campaign.
(Rant ended).


  1. Claims of global recognition and fame mean a little less to me now. This being mostly due to the Italian restaurants in New York with names such as 'Gino's world famous Calzone' and 'The world's best Cannoli'.

    I don't know, maybe my old local 'Blue Mountains Gazette' was too caught up with the small town issues to publicise Gino and his folded over pizza, when the big dogs knew where the real story was at.

    The fashion shoot probably got their 'global attention' from a similarly small run publication that no one has heard of. I think journalists are must more inclined to write a story about the alleged publicity something has gained, than they are about commenting on it if they actually took offense.

    Sorry for writing such a fucked comment on your page Stumps, I think I just wanted to write something.
